Individual: Creating, sharing, learning and growing.
- Digital deployment
- Sharing information and knowledge with others
- Co-creating content
- Reacting to news, information and content
- Communicating in real time
- Sharing media (photos, video, audio)
- Using video to capture know-how and expertise
- Work practices
- Being responsible for own learning and developing
- Setting own goals, self-managing
- Organizational context
- Support provided for people to do their jobs
- Opportunities for projects, career progression clearly communicated
Structure: Virtual operational units such as communities, teams and networks complementing hierarchical structures.
- Communities: internal only and/or with external members
- Community of practice, single function (Communication, Financial, HR, etc.)
- Community of interest (professional topic-based community, multi-functional)
- Personal interests (sports, leisure, hobbies)
- Project-based, with deliverables, limited in time
- Problem-solving
- Innovation and co-development
- Community of action (spontaneous, volunteer-based groups of people gathered together for a specific, time-limited purpose)
- Custodian / stewardship role for knowledge
- Enterprise social network
- Single one or several
- Degree of deployment if single
- Scope of the digital workplace strategy
- Internal only or internal+external
Process: New and simplified processes to reflect social collaborative ways of working.
- Collaboration
- Incentives: team-based or individual
- Working collaboratively recognized as a valued behavior
- Social performance management: continuous dialogue and feedback rather than the traditional one-shot annual exercise
- Simplification
- Teams enabled to act and, when necessary, shortcut enterprise processes in order to advance rapidly
- Identity management: transparent, integrated or fragmented
- New values
- Teams have business responsibility and are accountable for producing actionable output
- Workforce satisfaction measured regularly
- Practices around experiential learning (simulations, gamification)
- Co-creating, crowdsourcing and co-developing ideas
Reach: Equal, relevant, interactive digital access for the entire workforce. Connecting everyone anywhere, anytime.
- Coverage of the workforce by the digital workplace
- Geographies: countries, regions; Business divisions, business units
- Mobile services for the workforce: implemented, piloting, under development, planning)
- Email; News
- Sales, customer, product/service information;Customer service data, deliveries, issues; Operational info, reports, alerts, messaging
- Field service: work orders, update info;; Project information: status, updates, task, workflow
- Employee self-service: HR, admin, logistical; Learning: training, e-learning
- Daily tasks, workflow; Access to document repositories; Co-creating and sharing documents
- Social network/activity streams; Short messaging: texts, chat; Video conferencing
- Reporting information: dashboards, performance indicators; Business intelligence
- Mobile policies
- Corporate/organizational devices; BYOD (device), BYOPC (computer) and BYOA (application)
- Sync and share capability; Video accessibility outside organizational walls; Availability of training remotely (online, outside organizational walls)
Leadership: Influence from any level and from any part of the organization that results in change.
- Awareness and involvement of top management in digital initiatives (from vocal support to visible, sustained commitment)
- Distributed decision-making (vs. highly centralized)
- A future-oriented perspective on the part of management
- Clarity on the part of management regarding the place of digital transformation within the overall organizational strategy
- Open, participatory leadership style on the part of management
Culture: Attitudes, behaviors, styles and expectations.
- Overall organizational culture based on 6 criteria:
- Team-oriented vs. Individually competitive work styles and behavior
- Primarily open vs. primarily closed information systems
- Entrepreneurial vs. follow absolute compliance to rules
- Strong, shared vs. Inconsistent, unclear sense of organizational purpose and identity
- Open, reactive to influence of external world vs. closed environment, little interest in external world
- Willingness to take risks vs risk averse
- Work practices
- Business goals and plans are communicated throughout the organization.
- People feel free to give input to business goals and plans.
- People freely challenge ideas including our business model and work practices.
- Trust
- Organizational trust: peers, people elsewhere in the organizations, local management, global/corporate management
Strategic Asset: Managing the digital workplace as a strategic asset, essential for the organization.
- Decision-making
- Involvement across the organization: levels and functions
- Level of top person responsible for digital strategy
- Vision
- Compelling vision for digital transformation / initiatives
- Vision clearly communicated
- Clear goals and indicators defined
- Cross-organizational involvement
- Active involvement from all or most business units
- Ownership of change initiatives by frontline and operational people
- Collaborative and cross-organizational decision-making and planning
- People
- Effort to understand and improve the user experience