Jane McConnell
Author, creator, researcher and practitioner.
14 years of research about people and organizations.
The organization in the digital age, an amazing 10 years
This website offers you insight into an amazing period in organizational history.
Approximately 300 participating organizations around the world answered over 100 questions in annual online surveys annually from 2006 through 2016.
Over these 10 years, I was the only person tracking organizations globally and systematically as they evolved in the digital age.
Many people worked with me: hundreds of participants around the world, and members of the advisory boards who contributed ideas, challenged me, and helped make this long shared adventure valuable for everyone.
A foundational framework, the heart of digital transformation
The Foundational Framework, defined in 2014 and used the last three years, is based on three perspectives: Mindset, Enablers and Capabilities.
The purpose was to diminish the focus on technology and reflect the reality that the digital age in organizations was much more a result of behaviors and attitudes.
The framework was used by management and practitioners. It enabled self-assessment of organizations and of people. It offered a tool and food for thought in workshops and conversations.